Animated wire
From strips to metal wires: a complete line of products capable of giving your work the desired results.
This is the commitment of Europlast which guarantees you products differentiated in material and size, in order to fulfill any of your needs.
6 kg metal wire completely covered in PVC. Diameter from 0.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 - 1 mm.
Animated plate with photodegradable plastic of 250 and / or 400 meters.
Green flat coil. Metal wire covered entirely in PVC. Internal wire 0.45 and / or 0.55 mm. 400 m pack.
Flat in PVC or paper in pieces. Green or brown cut, pack of 1000 threads available in different lengths (10 - 12 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 cm).
Plastic-coated flat cable for electronic folders available in the length of 200 meters.
Animated plate in reels and spools with lengths equal to 150 meters and / or 250 meters.